Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Connor!!!

I can't believe it has been a year already! It seems like the more kids you have the faster their lives go. It seemed to take forever for Kade to be a sunbeam. I know at the time I found out I was pregnant with Connor I was almost crying my eyes out. However, he has been such a blessing. He is such a happy, easy going little guy. I really believe he was sent to us at that time for a special purpose. I don't know what yet, I just feel that way.

A little about Connor....
*He is always Happy
*He loves, loves his brothers. He likes to watch them act like crazy boys, however, he is now starting to join them.
*He eats anything and everything. Mashed potatoes, yougurt, and cheese are his ultimate favorites though. For how small he is, he eats more than his brothers.
*He is always happy.
*He is crawling everywhere. Just this week he figured out how to climb up the stairs. He is not very interested in walking yet.
*He is the best sleeper in the world. He has been sleeping from 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. ever since he was 4 months old. When he wakes up he just talks to himself. Kyle than wakes up and goes into his room to play.
*He LOVES his daddy. He is so excited when he gets home at night.
*His favorite words is "ma" and "ooo".

On his birthday we had a small party. Earlier that day we went shopping for presents and bought his balloons. Later that evening, after daddy got home, Grandma, Bryan, Uncle Ryan, Uncle Jeff, and Erica came by to celebrate. I think Connor was very excited to be getting so much attention.

             Here is Kade and Kyle being excited to celebrate Connor's birthday.

                                                         The birthday boy!!

                                                                      His many faces at 1!

                                             All three of them. Connor wouldn't keep his hat on.

All of his presents and cake!

                                                             A close up of his yummy cake!

                                                                  His birthday cards.

                                                                        His balloons.

He was so excited to open his presents. He crawled right over to them. Of course his brothers were anxious to help him open his gifts. In the bottom center is opening up Erica and Jeff's presents. All of the boys love the blocks. They even fight over them.

                                           Opening Nana and Papa's and Grandma Fern's present.

After eating, having cake, opening presents, and playing for a little bit Connor decided he was tired. He went crawling up the stairs to bed. He was so grateful to have such a wonderful first birthday. Thanks to everyone that came and those who were not able to be there, but sent him a gift. We love you little Connor!!!

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