Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easter Bunny!

Today we went to visit the Easter Bunny at the Galleria Mall! It went a lot smoother this year. Last year we went really close to Easter, so we had to wait about an hour or more. By the time we got to the bunny Kyle was throwing a huge fit. When we arrived today we walked right up, the boys sat on his lap and they took their pictures. I really didn't think Connor would cry because he was so happy with Santa Claus, but he attempted to start crying with the Easter Bunny. The only one giving a real smile in every picture was Kade. When we were done we went over to the food court where there was this clown show. They brought out a bunny, had a little Easter egg hunt and gave prizes away (no we did not get anything). Connor was finally smiling and getting excited. Kyle just stood by me, but Kade went and sat by the other kids and even did the little parade.

Here are their pictures from last year.

This is my favorite picture from this year. Like I said, Connor did not know whether he should smile or cry.

                                                      Pictures from the rest of the trip.

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