Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We apologize to anyone that reads our blog. The last couple of months have been crazy. I can't find my charger to my camera and I have finally figured out how to upload pictures from my phone. Hopefully, I will start to be more consistant. There are so many things I want to remember about the boys growing up and this seems to be the one place I can keep track of all of it. I will be updating over the next couple of weeks.

During the summer we liked to go over to J.W. Marriott and swim in their pool. This pool makes you feel like you are not even in Las Vegas. Eric would swim around with all three boys hanging on him. What a great daddy!! Here are some of my favorite pictures from our outings.

Kade looking handsome while Connor gets one on one time.

I love all four of my handsome boys!!!!

During the week when we didn't have a car we would walk over to the little park in our development. The boys loved to get out of the house, take Chloe for a walk and play on the jungle gym.

Kyle and Chloe

Connor and Chloe

One day Kade was pouting about something so I decided to take a picture.

I guess he didnt want to take a picture pouting so he decided to smile.

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