Monday, December 19, 2011


One day Eric took Kade hiking up at Red Rock. Meanwhile, I was at home with Kyle and Connor. I swear I cannot get anything done or clean when these two are around. Sometimes though they can do the cutest things. They took the "Time Out" chair out of the bathroom and was sitting in it and playing with each other. They both really liked to take a picture. I think they are so cute, even if they are the two messiest boys around! Yes, Kyle is constantly wearing his Santa suit again. He was so upset on Sunday when I told him he had to change into church clothes. He even wore it when we went to the "Live Nativity" and Claim Jumper the other night. He walks around telling us he is Santa and all of us are his reindeer. What a funny boy!

Kyle wanted to take pictures, so I let him take one of Connor.

This is how Kade tried to make Kyle look like Santa.

Connor posing for pictures again. He just can't keep his eyes open because of the flash. I love his little, big smile :)

Love my boys, only I hope they will some day
help me clean up their messes :) At the same time I am so grateful they are healthy and are able to run around and make messes.  

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