Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Happy Easter!!!

Here is last years.

The day before Easter we colored our eggs. The boys had a lot of fun coloring them and making a mess!

We also made Easter sugar cookies. If you have seen that video where the little boys poured flour all over the kitchen, well, that almost happened here tonight. But, the boys enjoyed cutting, frosting and eating the yummy cookies.

The next morning the Easter Bunny came. They were so excited to receive candy and cars!!! 

We then went to church. Our lesson was, of course, on the resurrection and the atonement. I hope Kade understands the real meaning of why we celebrate Easter. I know as they grow older they will understand more and be grateful for this incredible "holiday". After church we went over to Grandma's house. Of course we did our Easter egg roll down the big hill at a park close to their house.

Kade loved to throw them down the hill as hard as he could. I am pretty sure half of them split in two.

 Connor was more interested in the ball then the eggs.

Afterwards we went back to Grandma's house and had a fun Easter egg hunt and a delicious dinner.

We hope everyone had a great Easter!!! We are so grateful for the knowledge and testimony that our Savior atoned for our sins and was ressurrected.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I love this! (And need to do this!) They look so much bigger!
