Thursday, February 17, 2011


It has been a long, long time since I last posted. Life has been crazy!!! Ever since New Year's Eve, our lives have been up and down. We found out Eric was offered a job in Boise at Micron and in Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Sands Corporation (Venetian/Palazzo). It was an extremely tuff decision to make and we had very little time to make it. We felt more at peace with moving to Las Vegas. I don't know why. I just think we are here again for a purpose. Moving was HORRIBLE, especially for Eric. Next time we move long distance I am definitely calling a moving company. It is so much easier and they can fit everything into their truck.

  Eric's job is going well. He enjoys working for LVSC. The boys are great!!! They love having the space to run and play inside the house. We are getting adjusted to our new ward. I am a little out of sync. I really enjoyed taking Kade to preschool and going to park group. I know we weren't there for very long, but I really miss Foster City. I miss all of the new friends I was making and my calling. I loved preparing a lesson each week and teaching it to the kids. I miss them and their willingness to learn. I am excited to find a preschool for Kade to go to. Not only so we can get out of the house every once in awhile, but for Kade to get back into learning with a group and I have adults to talk to every once in awhile.

Our new house is really nice and big. We are getting adjusted to it and we can't wait for a yard to be put in. That way the boys can run outside and release all of their energy while I attempt to get and keep the house all clean. Here is pictures of our new house.

Having the stairs towards the back of the house and next to the kitchen is so nice. The flooring in this house is really nice, especially when it is clean (which is hard to do with three little monkeys walking/crawling around).

I will be posting about Christmas and anything else soon. I am trying to get use to working on a laptop since our actual computer is not working. I also got my camera back. After we left Best Buy I was not happy. Kade could tell and he said "They are not the best". It is funny how little kids see things.


  1. Wow! The house looks incredible! I bet you were laughing when you posted them, imagining how all of us CS2 girls' mouths would drop when we saw them! I literally cannot fathom being in a house that big--or that new and nice! At least not without paying an arm and a leg... :)

    Glad you're settling in, and mostly, I'm glad the move is over for you! Hopefully now you guys will be able to stay put for a good while.

  2. I can't believe you guys moved to Vegas! That must've happened really fast! So, did you buy the house or are you renting? Either way, it's beautiful!! I hope everything goes smoothly with settling in!

  3. I can't believe that you moved so fast! I didn't even get to say good bye! I'm glad that things are going so well for you though. Your new house is absolutely amazing! I drooled when I saw the pictures. I will sure miss you guys. Come back and visit soon :)

  4. Glad you guys are getting settled. That is a gorgeous house...I bet you are all totally loving it! Did you buy???

    Keep us's good to hear from you again!

  5. The house is very pretty! What part of town are you guys living at these days?
