Monday, April 11, 2011

Little Reese and the March of Dimes!

Close to this time last year we received a phone call telling us that Kelly, Eric's brothers wife, was going into labor. It was two months early. We can never imagine what they were going through at the time. It has probably been one of the most difficult circumstances in their life. I can imagine not being able to hold my baby as soon as they come out. However, I only had to wait until the doctor was done doing the C-section. What I can't imagine is not being able to hold my precious little baby until a few days or even weeks later. To celebrate Reese's first birthday, Justin and Kelly are running in the March of Dimes in Tacoma, WA. They are trying to raise money to donate to their run. If you are able to I know they would greatly appreciate it! Here is their story and how to donate.
Our daughter Reese was born nearly one year ago, two months early and after some serious in utero complications. We are celebrating her first birthday by participating in the March for Babies, a walk organized by the March of Dimes to raise money to research and prevent premature birth. We'd love for you to join us in the walk on April 30 in Tacoma and/or donate to this cause.

Reese's first weeks in this world were tough -- for her and for us. Born at 32 weeks, she weighed just more than 3 pounds. I remember seeing her for the first time. Unable to hold her, we grasped her hand through a hole in her isolet. She was tangled in cords. Her tiny face was nearly covered by the tape holding the breathing tube down her throat. She slept -- curled in the fetal position -- amid the bright lights and constant beeping of monitors at the UW NICU.

It was not the warm, cozy, loving introduction that I so wanted for my little one. I distinctly remember thinking, "This is not the way to start a life." Fortunately, the March of Dimes doesn't think so either.
That's why the nonprofit organization is dedicated to funding research that investigates why premature birth happens and what can be done to prevent it. The money we raise for the walk will support March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

Reese came home to us after five weeks in hospital. She's now 11 months old -- smiley, chubby, babbling, active, and healthy. We are so thankful, especially knowing that not every preemie has such good outcomes. So help us help babies! Here's how:

Contribute to our team online. It's fast, easy and secure. You can donate directly from our March for Babies web page with a credit/debit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on our web page.

Walk with our March for Babies team and the millions of compassionate people across the country who support the march. You can help fund raise or just support the walk with your presence.

Here's the link:

Kelly and Justin Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Connie and Eric thanks so much for your blog and being such a strong family supporter! We love you guys!!
