Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Little Bit about Daddy!

The boys love their daddy (and so does their mommy)! He is a great example of love, strength, support and hard work to our family. He works super hard during the week to make sure we have everything we need. Luckily we get to have him on the weekend! We love to laugh at his silly jokes, comments and singing. He takes the boys for hikes and to the park. I appreciate the way he backs me up when the boys are not behaving as they should. Overall, we think daddy is a really incredibly great guy and we love him immensely!!

Here are some questions Kade answered about him.

What makes dad happy? Giving him a surprise.
How does your dad make you laugh? When he says funny things.
What does your dad do when you're not around? Go to work.
What is your dad really good at? exercising
What is your dad not very good at? making trophies
What does your dad do for a job? look on computers
If your dad were a cartoon character who would he be? he would be Fred from Scooby Doo because he takes scary faces off.
How are you and your dad the same? he likes cars and trucks
How are you and your dad different? we don't wear the same hair and the same shirt
How does your dad shoe he loves you? He doesn't get mad and take away my cars
What does your dad like most about your mom? giving her kisses and hugs

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