Thursday, July 7, 2011

San Gennaro Feast!!

A month or two ago the San Gennaro Feast was going on at the Silverton Hotel. Every time we would take Eric to work the boys would see the rides in the parking lot. He told me he really wanted to go on the rides. That Saturday we decided to go. We called Jeff and Erica and they met us there. As soon as we got there we headed right over to the little kid rides. I went on a few of them with Kade and Kyle and did not get sick. When Jeff and Erica arrived they went on a few rides with them too. After they rode on all the rides they wanted to Eric and I saw a ride we really wanted to go on. It looked like a ton of fun! We didn't think it would go around and around so we had Jeff and Erica watch the boys while we rode the ride. After it was over, Eric and I both regreted it. We both felt incredibly dizzy and almost threw up. Needless to say we had to leave because neither one of us felt good anymore. I guess we just aren't young anymore!

 Some of the little rides.

Jeff, Erica, Kade and Kyle waiting to go on the ferris wheel.

Jeff and Kade

Erica and Kyle

The only ride Connor could go on was this choo choo that went slow.  He enjoyed though!!

Jeff, Erica and Kade went to the haunted house ride. Kade thought it would be fun, but afterwards he didn't like it at all. He said it was too scary.

Here is the ride Eric and I thought would have been fun.

Kade loved this slide. He kept wanting to slide down it.

Jeff decided to slide down too.

Jeff waiting while we were on the train. Eric was with him. 

Kyle leading the way back to the car.

Thanks for going with us Jeff and Erica. Other than the ride Eric and I went on it was a blast. We are sure glad they have the "feast" before it gets too hot! Can't wait for next time!!!

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