Monday, June 11, 2012

Kade Graduated!!!!

Yes, Kade graduated....from preschool!! We are so proud of him! He has grown so much this past year. He has more confidance and knowledge. He knows all of the alpabet, colors, shapes, numbers (almost up to 100), writing and sounds of letters. He is also starting to sound out words and reading. He is working on remembering sight words. He has also grown more socially. He he is not as shy as he was at the beginning of the year (maybe that has a little to do with soccer too). We are excited for him to go to kindergarten in August! He will learn so much more!

Due to me being in the hospital with Cam I missed Kade's graduation ceremony. However, my sister was able to take a lot of pictures and Eric video recorded for me to see. Daddy, Kyle, Connor, Aunt Becky, Uncle Ryan, Grandma and Bryan were all at his graduation. I know he appreciates everybody being there to support him!!

Here is our little graduate!

Eric was so cute and funny! He thought that since it was a graduation he needed to wear a suit, so he showed up all decked out in a suit. However, everyone else was dressed in regular every day clothes.  When he told me he wore a suit at first I thought he was joking. Nope, he wasn't. He looked very handsome though!!!

With three of his boys!

Kade with his teachers, Ms. Holly and Ms. Linda.

We are so proud of Kade!! Thanks to Grandma and Aunt Becky for getting him all ready and to Eric for video recording it for me. We look forward to the next twelve years of homework and projects!!


  1. I like your last line of looking forward to the years to come of projects and homework. :)

  2. Aw, that little cutie! It's hard to believe our boys are approaching kindergarten! I'm a year behind you, but still, it shocks me whenever I think about it!

    Btw, have I ever told you I really like the name Kade? Because I do.
