Thursday, January 31, 2013

Halloween at Springs Preserve

Last year we started going to the Springs Preserve for their Halloween party. This year, however, we made sure we went to the Haunted House very first so we wouldn't have to wait an hour just to get in. Last year the boys were scared. This year they really liked it. After we were done there we walked around to all the stations to get candy. The boys also played the games. Regardless of if they "won" they were given a piece of candy.

Kyle wouldn't stand in the picture.

We finally got him to :)

The Legends is a soccer team here in town.
 I wanted to get a picture of Kade standing by it.

This was a "mad" scientist. She had some pretty neat experiments. One I remember is putting an egg into a container (I think it was a flask) you would never think it would go in. She also got the egg to come out. Amazing!!

Of course Connor is eating his suckers as soon as he gets them .

Kade is pretending he is a Frankenstein in this picture with Ryan and Becky.

We tried really hard to get a good picture of the boys by these "pirates"
This is as good as it gets, plus we had people waiting for us to take the pictures so they could walk past us.

Erica and Jeff.

Cam did not like getting his picture taken.
I think he was getting tired. Oh well, we tried.

I love this picture of Kyle in pirate costume.
He looks so sweet and innocent.


Eric has always had to meet us there. Here is our "band" of pirates and our little parrot.

All of us.

Thanks for taking us Mom and Bryan!!! We are glad Becky, Ryan, Jeff and Erica were able to go with us too. It always nice to have extra hands when we go to places like this. We look forward to next year :)

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