Tuesday, April 2, 2013

After Christmas....

The day after Christmas we were lucky enough to go to the North Pole via the Polar Express thanks to Grandma and Bryan. Eric unfortunately had to work. We missed having him there with us. While driving one of the boys had to go potty so we pulled off to the side of the road. Good thing they are boys and know exactly what to do when they are outside.

On our way to Arizona we stopped at this awesome train. The boys were able to walk up the stairs and all over. They LOVED it!!

Everyone except Cam and I. Grandma was taking the picture and
Cam and I were in the car staying warm.


We also stopped at this wildlife park. Part of the park is a drive where you HAVE to stay in the car. Here are some pictures of the animals we saw. I am so bummed my phone broke because Kade took some pretty good pictures of the animals. Oh well! At least we have these ones.


We couldn't understand why these black birds were flying around the wolves, especially when the black wolf was eating one. Gross!!

We were also able to walk around some of the park and see some smaller animals.
 The boys LOVED playing in the snow.


After driving for a little bit longer we finally arrived. Before going to the train we ate at a little restaurant. We also had to change the boys into their pajamas. Again Kade thought he was too big to change into pj's. Right when we were boarding the train it started to snow really hard. The boys were walking really fast and we had to cover Cam up with a blanket. I believe the train was built in the early 1900's. It was fun to ride on such an "antique" train.

I had to copy and paste these pictures from Facebook. I have no idea why they are so big.

Cam was super excited to go on the train too!!

Kyle's pajamas were very fitting for the ride.
They said "Santa Express" and had a big train on them.


After the train started going the hostess served cups of hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies, just like on the movie Polar Express. The cookies were YUMMY!!


After we left the North Pole Santa came aboard the train.
All of the boys were so excited!!

He came up to each of the boys and gave them a bell, just like the boy was given in the movie.

I was just going to grab the bell when he gave it to Cam, but he said "no, no wait". He patiently waited for little Cam to notice the bell and reach out to grab it. What an awesome Santa Claus!!
After it was all over we bundled back up and headed to the cars to start our journey back home. The boys soon fell fast asleep for the car ride home. Thanks Grandma and Bryan for taking us!! It will probably be one of the boys' favorite memories.

**About a month later I was talking to Kade. He told me that we didn't really go to the North Pole. I asked him why he said that. He said we didn't go because all of the buildings were fake. They didn't were not completely built. Which they weren't. They only had the front and were being held up by long boards. I told him the rest of the buildings were imaginary. It is going to be a sad day when the boys don't believe in the magic of everything.

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