Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4th of July-Parade, swimming and fireworks!

Happy 4th of July!!!
As usual we woke up to get to the parade to make sure we got a good seat. On our way we stopped to pick up Erica and mom. For being 9:00 in the morning it was super hot. Cam did not like the heat. He was better last year when he was a couple months old then he did this year.

Attempting to get a picture before the parade starts.

Pictures of the boys. They are anxiously waiting for the parade to start.

Watching the parade.

I like this picture of Connor watching Star War characters walk by.

A little bit of what we saw in the parade.

Wizard of Oz

After the parade we went to McDonalds. We had some lunch and a yummy fudge sundae. We then took everyone home. The boys had a nap or rested until we went over to Grandmas house to go swimming.
We always have a great time swimming. The boys really like it. Attempting to get pictures before they start swimming. Can you tell they are super excited for swimming and fireworks.

Swimming. Kade and Kyle are starting to be really good swimmers, as long as their life jackets are on.
These are videos, but for some reason they don't want to play. I will figure it out.


Little Cam loves to swim. As soon as he sees the water he starts to scream. He won't stop until he is in the water. He really likes to sit in his turtle.

He does not like it when Connor pushes him though.

All the boys were really excited when daddy got there. Cute picture of Cam and Eric before they go swimming.
We had a yummy dinner as usual. Everyone was completely full, especially after eating my moms delicious cookies. When we were done eating we pulled out the lawn chairs and watched the fireworks. We started when it still a little light outside, but by the time we were done it was dark. There was a lot of people in the neighborhood letting off illegal fireworks. They were fun to watch.

This was Cam's first time actually seeing fireworks. I am sure he was asleep last year. Here are pictures of his face when the first firework went off.


Cam knows how to watch fireworks in style! He is sitting in his turtle :)



 After fireworks we went back in the house to have cake and ice cream. We also watched a movie, but soon left because everyone was getting tired. Thanks to everyone that celebrated the 4th of July with us!! It was really fun and we look forward to next year :) We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th!

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