Monday, July 15, 2013

Kade: Our Kindergarten Graduate!

Our first little guy has officially graduated from Kindergarten. We are so very proud of him!! The last couple of weeks of school were really busy. Every month each teacher in the school gets to pick one student to be "Explorer of the Month". Kade asked me every month if I thought he would get it. I told him as long as he kept working hard he could get it. When each month passed and he didn't get it he was kind of bummed (truthfully I was too because I knew how hard he was working). I told him to keep doing his best. Finally, the last month of the year when I went to pick him up he told him he was "Explorer of the Month". He was so excited and, of course, I was excited for him.

At the school for the assembly. Cam is waiting patiently while all of the students come in.

Cam thinking, maybe about when he graduates from Kindergarten.

Kade receiving his "Explorer of the Month" Award from the Assistant Principal.

 After the assembly with his certificate and medal. .

 Trying to get a good family picture.

These two silly monkeys after the assembly was over. They wanted to show eveyone their bellies and act silly.

Two days later we went to the official Kindergarten graduation ceremony. I am glad it was at night so Eric could go to it.

Here he is after he accepted his "diploma" from his teacher.

Walking to the back of the line.

She called everyones names that had more than 125 sight words and some other special things. Kade's name was called for each one. He worked really hard this year. I hope that continues :)

The little girl in the pink dress is his friend Aubrey.

When it was over we made sure we took a family picture. This is our favorite one. Everyone is actually looking at the camera.

At home. Celebrating. Only another 12 years before the offical graduation.

His fun motorcycle cake. Kyle was able to pick a couple of motorcycles too since he finished six months of preschool. I will post about that next.

 Grandma and Bryan, Jeff and Erica were nice enough to give him a present for graduating from kindergarten. He was super excited as you can see

Kyle wearing Kade's medal. He wants one too. I only hope he works as hard as Kade did.

One down, three more to go :)

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