Thursday, July 11, 2013

Easter Activities

 Our first Easter activity was a fun Easter egg hunt at the church for playgroup. The boys had a great time picking up and finding all of their eggs. Even better was opening them up to see what goodies were inside.

Our second activity was decorating eggs. Kade and Kyle were really into coloring the eggs. They patiently waited for Easter so they could eat them up.
On Easter we went to church. All the lessons and sacrament was focused on the Savior's sacrifice and that He lives. We are so grateful for what He did and that it is possible for us to live with our family forever. Before church the boys found their baskets the Easter Bunny brought them. They were each given a outside chair, a new set of pj's, a car, sunglasses and minimal candy. The Easter Bunny also left them a card.

Cam's first Easter.

 After church we went to the park with just our little family and rolled our decorated Easter eggs. The boys love doing this. Kade will throw as far and as hard as he can. He then watches it splatter all over the ground. Luckily, for most of the eggs, the shell broke and they ate them. We could tell I am usually not in charge of Easter dinner and the egg roll because I completely forgot to bring the salt and pepper and we had ham sandwiches for dinner. Yummy! :(

Eric is sitting with Cam.

I like this picture because Kyle was running up to me to give me a little flower he had picked :) They always ask me to put in my hair.
The following Sunday we went over to Grandma and Bryan's house to have an offical and much better Easter dinner and to roll eggs down the hill again. Of course the boys didn't have a problem with that :)

Kade was being incredbily silly this day.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter this year!! We look forward to next year!

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