Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Connor's 3rd Birthday Party-Nemo theme

Connor had a really fun birthday party this year. As usual I let him pick out what theme he wanted his birthday to be. He picked "Finding Nemo". After I looked around on the internet for things to do I thought it would be really fun to invite some of his friends over for a birthday party. I ordered all of the decorations and paper goods. While searching on the internet I found several games they could play. I also found what I wanted his cake to look like.
Here is the wall where the kids could "Pin the Fin on Nemo". They also painted their very own Nemo like the two shown in the picture.

Here is his awesome birthday ice cream cake a girl made at Dairy Queen. I was really excited about it. It turned out absolutely adorable!!! Connor really liked it too!

Here is how we decorated the dining room. The turtle hanging was a pinata the kids really liked.

"Finding Nemo" Birthday Favors. Each one has a balloon attached to it.

Chloe wants a fish :)
 Here are some of the kids that came to help celebrate Connor turning 3.
Playing the Toss the Bag fish fame.  

Painting their "Nemo".

Towards the end of the party I noticed his cake started melting. We had to hurry and sing "Happy Birthday" so everyone could eat it before it completely melted. He was so excited!! He even knew how to blow out his own candles this year :)

Bernard and Jasmine (from Kade's soccer team)

All of the kids waiting to sing so they could eat some cake.

Bryan, Jeff and Erica. It might not look like it in this picture, but they helped out a lot.

Little Cam being held by Uncle Jeff while I make sure everything is going ok.

Kade rolling on top of Jeff.

The kids loved the fact we have a trampoline in our house. It was one of the big attractions.

Connor playing the "Tennis Balloon" game. Everyone liked the game because they each got a balloon.

Pinata Time!! Of course everyone loved getting candy and other surprises. Jeff had to sit had the top and hold it on the string while the kids took turns hitting it.

I ended up having to really hit it so it would break. The kids were excited when it did break.

Landon and his daddy.


Addie. She is standing in front of our "Go Fish" game. The kids would put the "fishing rod" over the blue paper and Jeff was on the other side hooking a fish on to the pole. You can also see Connor's stash of presents in this picture. I forgot to take a good picture.


Daddy feeding Cam. 

Bryan talking to Eric (I think).

Kyle had fun at the party too.

Cute Faye

Eating some of the food. There was "star fish" sandwiches, goldfish, lots of veggies and fruits, a yummy pasta salad Grandma made and of course, cake and ice cream.


 Connor's birthday was a success. It was a very busy coupl\e of hours, but the kids that came seemed to really enjoy it.
After everyone left. except family, Connor opened his presents. He had a fun time opening up all of his presents. Of course his older brothers had to help :)

One of my favorite pictures of the night. I love his little smile!! We see this a lot from him.

Kade reading his cards to him.


He doesn't look very happy in this picture but I know he was really excited to get a scooter. I am sure he was just really tired from his party.

After opening presents and cleaning up a little we went upstairs and relaxed while watching a movie, probably "Finding Nemo". Here are some more pictures of him relaxing after a fun birthday. He is all decked out with the birthday hat and "Birthday Boy" button all of the boys get to wear when it is their birthday. He is also wearing his "Three" nemo shirt. He still loves it!!!

I wish this wasn't blurry. He was moving quite a bit, but it us still another one of my favorites.

A little about Connor....
His favorite color is blue. He likes to watch Nemo and Mickey Mouse. Connor, when his brothers aren't being mean, always has a smile on his face. He is always laughing at something. I know when he gets older he won't like me for this, but it is something I want him to remember when his kids start doing it. It seems like he is infatuated with his poop. So Disgusting!!! We will find it on the walls or somewhere else. I don't know why he does this but he does. I hope it is a phase that will end quickly. He is going to be attending a preschool class at the rec center. I think he will really like it. He absolutely LOVES monster trucks and cars. When I want him to do something and he won't do it I ask him if he can do it speedy car fast. He usually ends up doing what I ask him to do while maing race car noises. He is usually very obedient and loving. He has the cutest smile and big blue eyes. When he does get into trouble he will look at me with those blue eyes and a smile and try to get away with it. He is ecstatic to play soccer this fall! We were able to put him on an actual team. Kyle and Connor love saying hi to any one and everyone. Sometimes it is cute, sometimes it isn't. He LOVES little Cam, sometimes a little too much. I think it is so cute when he playing with Cam and makes him laugh. He is probably the only one that will ever get away with calling Cam "Cami". We don't let anyone else do it because Cam is not a little girl. He is usually the first one to wake up in the morning. His favorite shirts to wear are his or Kyle's soccer shirts. He also really likes his Boise State football jersey type shirt. I am starting to think he will be the one who is always watching Sports Center and some kind of sport on T.V.


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