Thursday, July 11, 2013

Crazy Hair Day/Fun Run

Kade's school was doing Spirit Week. One of those days was Crazy Hair day. Here is how Kade went to school. We spiked his hair up and colored it blue. I think he looks really cute in these pictures.

A new fundraiser all of the school are doing is a Fun Run. After our experience with the "Fun Run" I decided I do not like this fundraiser. However, we still went to it to support Kade in running the required laps.

This is Kade's friend Aubrey. We car pooled with her all year.

Kade looks so tall and skinny in this picture.

One of the students parents are both police officers. They were there to support their child just like the other parents. However, they kept being bothered by Kyle and Connor. They were intrigued with their uniform and their gun.

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