Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our New Backyard!

We are so excited to have new pavers and our retaining wall finished in our backyard! Kade is now able to ride his bike without me being worried that a car is going to run him over. He LOVES being outside.

For Mother's Day Eric thought it would be nice to plant some flowers for me. With the help of my brother Jeff, we were also able to plant a tree. Our backyard is not quite where we want it to be, but it is coming along.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Kade was watching T.V. while I was attempting to clean the house. All of a sudden I heard him shouting "Elmo, Elmo". I looked at the T.V. and saw a commercial about "Elmo and the Green Thumb", a musical with all the Sesame Street gang. Kade was so excited I decided to see how much the tickets were. After I found out the cost, I talked to Eric and we both agreed that it would be fun to take the boys to see Elmo.

All week Kade had been talking about going to see Elmo. I had to keep telling him it wasn't until Saturday. When Saturday finally arrived he seemed so excited. This picture is of Kade before we left. Doesn't he look totally thrilled to be seeing Elmo?

We loaded everyone into the car and headed off to the Thomas & Mack at UNLV. We arrived nearly an hour early so we had to sit outside. A few minutes later they started to let everyone in. Once we walked in there was several booths of Elmo and Sesame Street paraphernalia. We decided to buy Kade a t-shirt, a program, and an Elmo toy. We thought Kade would be stoked to be there, but this is the face we got.

After the show started we thought Kade would get really excited, but we got the same face. However, the person that was completely ecstatic was Kyle. He had a huge grin on his face and was laughing and screaming. He was so excited!!! I wish I had of recorded it because he was so thrilled when all the Sesame Street characters came out on stage. He was more eager and elated than most of the children around us. Here are some pictures of kyle watching the show.

Overall, we had a really good time. We wish Kade had of been a little more excited to be there, but maybe he was just not use to the surroundings. After this experience I appreciate what my parents did for us when they took us on trips and we acted uninterested or bored. It is so much more fun to see children happy and smiling!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Watch what you say....

One beautiful spring morning Kade, Kyle, and I decided to go for a little walk. In our neighborhood there is a street that everybody thinks the speed limit is "drive as fast as you can". This lovely spring morning I was really annoyed by all the cars driving super fast, especially since children were present. I shouted out to one car "slow down you idiot". Not thinking of what I was saying with a 2 1/2 year old standing there. A couple weeks later Kade and I were in our front yard doing some yard work. A car came speeding by. I didn't think anything of it until I heard Kade say "slow down idiot". I just had to laugh because hearing a 2 year old say that was pretty hilarious. However, it made me think I had better watch what I say because Kade is saying almost everything I say. Even though hearing a 2 year old say some things is really funny I do not want him to learn how to speak rudely, especially from me. Since then Eric and I really try to watch what we say when Kade is present.

Other cute and funny things Kade says....
"What?"-when asking a question

"No way!"-when he doesn't want something. He learned this from a silly T.V. commercial.

He used to count "10, 8, 10". After watching Sesame Street on the computer he now counts "4, 5, 7, 8". At least he is making progress.

Yesterday he was talking into a piece of paper and I asked him who he was talking to. I thought he said "girlfriend", but he actually said "Grandma Fern".

He calls Kyle "baby Kico".

"welcome"-he says this instead of thank you. Someday he will get it right.

"I can't"-he says this when he doesn't want to do something or really can't do whatever it is he trying to do.

He loves to talk on the phone even though the person he is talking to has no idea (except for a few words) what he is saying. He just likes to ramble on.

It is fun watching Kade grow and how his ability to learn is progressing. I love staying at home with my boys. I am grateful to my wonderful husband for working so hard so I am able to do this. Even though some days can get really boring, I wouldn't trade it for the world.