Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Funny sayings!

The boys and I were driving down the road heading to some store. We were listening to Christmas music and "Santa Baby" came on. This is what I hear Kade say from the back seat...."Santa's not a baby" when she sings "Santa Baby" and "Santa's not a cutie" when she sings "Santa Cutie". Made me laugh!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kyle is 2!

Kyle has turned 2. For his birthday this year we didn't do much. The boys and I arrived home the day before his birthday and Eric had to leave for Portland the very next day. As soon as we left the airport we went to one of our favortie restaurant, Red Robin. They are so "kid" oriented. When we were done we went home. I hurried and wrapped Kyle's presents and than he opened them. His favorite presents....a toy microwave (Nana and Papa) and vacuum (Grandma). Now whenever the real microwave beeps he say "done, done". While I am vacuuming he also vacuums. He also received a dish set (so he won't play with mine, thanks Nana and Papa), a "Thomas the Train" train track, a shopping cart from Aunt Becky,  a guitar (like Kade's) from Grandma Fern and cards. It was a really fun birthday with just us!

A face of excitement!

 Connor wanting to play eat and play with the paper. 

He finally starts being interested in the train track. 

The next day we went to the store and purchased a cake (I know I am SO creative). It was delicious! When it was sitting on the counter, when I wasn't watching, he pushed a stool over, lifted up the lid and started eating the frosting. That's our Kyle!!! He did a fantastic job at blowing out his candle. 

I LOVE this picture of Mr. Kyle!

Big breath!!

So happy he blew it out!

Now that his birthday is over a little bit about Mr. Kyle AKA Mr. Boo. Kyle is our most energetic out of the three. He can make me laugh one minute and be completely frustrated the next. He enjoys making messes, such a little boy. I have to remember to never give him a bag of chips or crackers. He will be eating them one minute and spilling them all over the floor the next. He does help me clean up though! He LOVES to tease Kade. He enjoys taking something away from Kade and running. However, they do play well together too. I have caught them "reading" some books together. Too cute! He loves Connor. He gives him lots of hugs and kisses, but sometimes, when he is upset, he will push Connor down. Probably because Connor is smaller and can't do anything about it, yet. As a baby Kyle did not like to cuddle very much. Now, when he wants to, he loves to cuddle and snuggle. He will come sit with me on the rocking chair, snuggle, and fall asleep. He won't go to sleep without me laying beside him. Kyle likes to read books with me. He always points up to Kades bed (that is where the books are) and says "more, more". I have been told, twice by older women, that he is "such a pretty little girl". I think "really, he is dressed like a little boy and acts like a little boy". They tell me I need to cut his hair, but we really like it. It fits his personality and reminds us of a California surfer guy. His vocabulary is growing every day. He now knows how to tell me Kade is being mean. He will point to Kade, have big alligator tears and say "Dade". He is super excited when daddy come home. He will run down the stairs saying "daddy". I am excited to see how much he grows and changes this next year! Hopefully he doesn't give me too much of the "terrible 2's". But if he does we still love this little guy to pieces. He brings so much more laughter to our lives.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Family

We went to our Ward Christmas Party and they were taking family pictures. Here we are!!!
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The week after Thanksgiving the boys and I went up to Utah to see my dad and my grandparents. I really didn't know what to expect flying with just myself and three little boys, but it went a little smoother than I thought.

We arrived at the airport and hour and a half before the plane took off. This is what the boys were doing. We were very lucky the plane was almost empty. The boys didn't have too many people to bother.

Connor looks tired and wondering what is going on. 

Once they were on the airplane and all settled they were incredible. No one heard a scream or arguing from the them. They also made it easier for me.

Here is what Kade and Connor were doing while we waited out our layover in Long Beach, coming and going. Who knows where Kyle is? :) He was running around EVERYWHERE! He thinks he is so cute when doing it too.

When we arrived my dad was there to pick us up. He took us up to my grandparents house where we stayed for a couple of days. The boys acted like themselves so I hope it wasn't too stressful or chaotic for them :) My grandpa took them outside to play in the snow. This was the first time Kyle could remember playing in snow. I am glad they got use out of the snow boots and gloves I bought.

Little Connor being happy and playing.

While we were there my cousin Amber, who haven't seen in a longtime, came over to visit with her adorable girls. Kade, Kylee, and Kyle played well together.

All of us.

Attempting to get a picture.

I didn't hear this, but it is a funny story. The kids were sitting on Grandpa's legs and he wouldn't move. They kept telling him to walk, but he just looked down at them. I guess Kade looked up at him and said "Can't you move because you are so old?" Silly boy! Kids will say whatever they want.

When I was little someone took a picture of me in this cute little rocking chair reading my book upside down. It is one of my favorite pictures of me when I was little. While we were there the boys found the cute little rocking chair. Here is the boys sitting in it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Johnson's

Thanksgiving this year was spent here in Foster City with Papa, Nana, Justin, Kelly, Brennan and Reese. We were so excited they could all make it here!!!

After much driving and a delay in Reno, Papa and Nana made it here on Tuesday. Justin, Kelly, Brennan and Reese arrived Wednesday morning. We spent Wednesday relaxing and enjoying each other's company. We had chicken noodle soup and cornbread for dinner. Yummy! While the boys were napping I made "Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes" for Thanksgiving dinner the next day. Kelly also made her delicious stuffing and cranberry sauce.

On Thursday, everyone left for a visit at Half Moon Bay. We were incredibly lucky to have incredible weather. We were all bundled up though too! Our first stop before the beach was the huge dinosaurs.

Kelly and Brennan

Kyle and Connor were asleep in the car. 

Papa with Brennan and Kade. 

After we looked at the enormous dinosaurs we headed to the beach. We look like we are headed to go sledding not the beach. However, it was really cold, but sunny. 

Eric and Kyle.

Cute little Kyle. 

Mommy and Kyle. Yes, Kyle looks adorable and I look awful. My hair is growing out horribly and I am not use to seeing myself with glasses on. 

Pictures of everyone at the beach. 



Eric and I. 

The boys playing in the sand. 

Connor looks happy even though he is probably freezing. 

Nana and Connor.

Our little family. We are all squinting because of the sun.

Heading back to the car. 

Getting ready to go home. 

Wait, I want to play with and eat the camera. 

After we went to Half Moon Bay we came home and the boys took a nap. I finished all the loose ends for Thanksgiving dinner. Because we made some items the day before, preparing dinner was so much easier. After dinner we just relaxed and visited.

Friday morning, before the depressing Boise State game, we went to visit Fisherman's Wharf. We, again, had incredible weather. I have never seen San Francisco as clear as it was on this day.

All three boys climbing in the Sea Lions.

Kyle being his mischievious little self.

Connor being somewhat happy. He wants to get out of the stroller.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked. In the first two I love Connor's little face. His expressions are adorable!

This one is funny because it looks like Kyle is picking his nose. This is the second picture I have of him doing that and it the only times I have seen him do that.

There was this huge Christmas Tree. We thought it would be a nice picture. All of us are wearing our Boise State gear. Too bad they lost that night. 

We, again, rode the carousel. Kade, at first, wanted to ride on the bench. I am glad he decided to ride on the horse.

Silly face!

Real smile!

He looks so serious!!

Mommy and Kyle.

Here are the boys loaded up in the car. Ready to go home. Kyle finally settled down.

Both times we have left the carousel, I have had to carry Kyle screaming and kicking because he doesn't want to get off. He would not settle down after that. He just started throwing one of worst tantrums he has ever thrown. We were almost running through the crowd to get him to the car. I still don't know if he was just tired, teething (2 year molars), or just being a little stinker. Everyone went home and took naps. We had dinner and than almost everyone stayed up watching the sad football game. I fell asleep, but Eric made sure he woke me up to tell me they lost. I thought he was joking at first.

On Saturday, Nana and Papa left (just in case they hit a bad storm or car accident again). The rest of the day we "chilled" with Justin, Kelly, Brennan, and Reese. When the kids were sleeping Kelly, Kade, and I went shopping :) Soon afterwards they had to leave to catch their plane.

We are so glad everyone was able to come. We had a really great Thanksgiving!! We hope you did too!