Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our New Backyard!

Grass has been put in our backyard. It so nice to have grass! The boys love it too, especially when the sprinkers come on. The day these pictures were taken the sprinklers came on while they were playing. I looked at Kade and told him to run through the water. I really didn't think he would do it, but he did and loved it! Of course, Kyle had to follow. They stripped down to only their undies and diaper. Since tomorrow will be about 88 degrees and Friday will be about 91 degrees we are going to pull out the fun kiddie pool with a giraffe slippery slide. Should be fun! I am sure Eric will be thrilled to come home and jump into it :) There is not very many trees or shrubs, but I am just glad they have grass to play on instead of dirt. They also play a little bit of soccer. We put the soccer goals Nana and Papa gave Kade on each end so they try to make a goal. They really love the water table shown in the pictures. They get soaked every time they are there playing with it. Of course, being boys, they had to make their very own mud puddle. Kade cleared some rocks and dug a little hole and threw water on the dirt. Kade and Kyle had a blast though!

Connor decided he was done, so he came and sat inside the door with me. Love that little face!!

Kade and His Pictures!

When Kade gets a hold of the camera he takes pictures of everything. This is what I found on my camera this time.

My personal favorite....

Joseph Smith

Since moving back to Las Vegas I have had a lot of "extra" time on hands. To use up some of that time I have been studying church history. As I have read my testimony of Joseph Smith as the first prophet of this dispensation as grown. We, the Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints, do not worhsip him. We believe he was an instrument in bringing back Jesus' gospel and all of the ordinances that were here on the Earth before the apostles died and the world was left in darkenss. I think it is miraculous that he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am ever grateful for the keys of the priesthood being brought back because without them we would not be able to live with our families forever and ever. I appreciate everything the pioneers did to further the restoration. I would never have been able to do what they did. What great examples of faith! The other day I came across this video which depicts Joseph Smith and his life perfectly. It is an hour long, so watch it when you have time or in spurts. It is truly amazing and inspiring!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bath Time!

Kade, Kyle, and Connor love bath time. When they hear the water all three of them are running/crawling to the bath tub. Of course they make sure they have plenty of toys.  Kade has a giraffe towel. Kyle has a puppy dog towel with his name on it. Connor has a monkey towel. He also gets a kick out of seeing the boys in their towels. They love their toothbrushes, just not getting their teeth brushed all the time. They make sure there is plenty of water on the floor. It takes a big towel to clean it all up. I like bath time to because it allows me to either get the bathroom or my room cleaned up or blow dry my hair. What some cutie patooties!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Hiking at Red Rock

For two weekends we took the boys up to Red Rock to go hiking. It was so nice to be out in nature! The boys were incredible hikers, especially little Kyle! He walked like he knew exactly what to do and where to walk.The first weekend the boys climbed on rocks and there was still a little bit of snow on the ground. Eric made Kyle a "man man" (snowman). He was ecstatic to hold a little snowman in his hands.

While the boys were hiking, Connor watched them. He was very excited to play on the rocks too!!

Eric helping Kyle make his "man-man". Below that is Kyle holding up his prize!

Connor and I (Kade took the picture)

The for the second weekend we went to Lost Creek. It is a children's trail only about a half a mile both ways. Since all the snow was melting there was a little stream on our way up. We stopped to eat our delicious Subway on our way up. Once we hiked all the way up there was a waterfall with a little lagoon. It was beautiful!!

 Here is how Connor hikes....on Daddy's shoulders.

It was super hard for the boys (JK)....they had to use stairs.

Kyle carefully climbing on and off a big rock.

When we were eating Connor just wanted to play with the rocks.

Climbing through rocks.

Kyle is an expert climber....he can climb and eat at the same time.

The waterfall! None of the people in these pictures have us in them, just random people.

We are so glad we were able to go up Red Rock. Hiking is becoming one of our favorite things to do. It will be even more fun when little Connor is walking.