Friday, June 26, 2009

Kade's Playtime

Kade likes to play in his room especially when I open the drawer under his bed. One day I left Kyle in the room with him. This is what I came back to.

I hope they had lots of fun. At least Kade cleaned it all up!

Morning Walk

Every morning Kade, Kyle, and I go for a walk. It is nice to get out of the house and it lets Kade burn off some of the large amount of energy he has. Kade also loves to walk the dog and Chloe loves to go. Kyle sometimes likes to fall asleep, but otherwise loves going on our walks too.

After we are done with our walk we water the plants. During the hot Vegas summer if we don't water our plants they would wither away. Kade loves to water the plants.

He doesn't look too happy in this picture, but he really enjoys it!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kyle-6 month stats

Kyle is already six months old. On Tuesday he had his doctor's appointment. I am happy to announce his statistics.

weight- 15 lbs. 6 oz. (10th percentile)
head- 42 inches-i think (50th percentile)
height-27 inches (75th percentile)

The doctor said Kyle is going to be tall and lean. TALL!!! I am sooooo happy he is in the 75th percentile for height. I am always so worried that one of the boys will have my short genes. So far both of them are looking pretty good (Kade is in the 50-60 percentile).

Kyle has been such a fun addition to our family. He is an extremely happy and laid back baby. Over the last couple of months he has started to eat solid foods. Every few days he is trying a new vegetable or fruit. So far he has had cereal, green beans, sweet peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. During the next few weeks he will try the yummy stuff (fruits). As long as everything goes well with stage 1 foods he will start to eat stage 2 foods.

Kyle is starting to sit all by himself. When he is having tummy time it looks like he is about ready to crawl. He pushes his legs underneath him so that his bum is sticking up in the air, however, he has not figured out what to do with his arms yet. I don't think it will him too long to figure that out. He might be thinking "Watch out Kade! You may be able to beat up on me right now but just wait until I start moving."

Kyle is also a tough guy. I don't know how many objects have come flying across him. There have been some days Kade just seems to constantly knock him down when I am not looking. Poor kid!!!! Kade might get it all back someday....Kyle loves his big brother though. He loves to watch Kade run and jump around. He laughs hysterically whenever Kade starts to laugh. When Kade is being nice, they have the cutest brother relationship. Even though Kade is sometimes mean he loves his little brother. If another child is about to touch Kyle Kade will say "no my baby!" Other fun facts about Kyle is he loves to laugh, smile, is tickelish, and loves to play in his exerciser. He laughs whenever I change his clothes or diaper. We are extremely blessed to have such a happy and fun little guy!

(The pictures with the blue shirt and red shorts is Kyles first time sitting all by himself. We were so proud of him!)

Red Rock and the Bellagio

Red Rock

Two weekends ago we decided to take the family up to Red Rock. For those who have never been to Vegas, yes, there are more than casinos, hotels, etc. here. In March we purchased an unlimited year pass to Red Rock for only $20 (if you don't have a pass each visit is $5). I was really excited to go this time because I remembered the camera and charged batteries. Kade loves going up there. He continues to amaze us at the things he is capable of doing. This time he started climbing the rocks all by himself which is astounding because Eric and I had kind of a hard time climbing them (not so much Eric, but me). Poor Kyle though just gets to sit and look at the scenery. No climbing for him yet.


Later that Saturday we decided to visit the Bellagio Botanical Gardens and watch the fountain show. For a Saturday evening in Vegas it was not very busy or crowded. As we walked into the garden we noticed it had a summer theme to it. They even had a big decorated ferris wheel. I wonder how they got it in there. Eric says they probably built it. I think they opened the glass ceiling and put it in there with a crane. Every time I visit the garden I am amazed at how the gardeners take care of everything. After roaming around for a little while we went outside to watch the fountain show. Kade and Kyle both loved watching the water shoot up, over, across, and splash around. After the show we noticed this cute, little, lonesome duck swimming away from the water. It must have had quite a shower and show. For those of you who have never seen the water show I recorded about two minutes of it. Enjoy!

Overall, we had a wonderful and fun Saturday!! Thank goodness there is more to Vegas than hotels, casinos, gambling, and other "not so fun" activities.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Backyard Obstacle Course

Since our backyard was done Kade has been playing outside every morning and evening (it is too hot during the day). Kyle enjoys being outside with his big brother. He loves to watch Kade running around. One day we had some friends over. Before they came I tried to think of what we could do for the children to have fun. I thought this would be the perfect time to pull out the "Jump-o-lene" Grandma Fern gave Kade for Christmas. I knew it would be too big to fit inside our house, but would be perfect for outside.

This was Kade's very first time jumping in the "Jump-o-lene". He thought it was the highlight of his day.

Kade and Kyle enjoying "brother time" in their CARS tent (also given to Kade from Grandma Fern).

Here is a video of Kade jumping in his "Jump-o-lene".

Monday, June 1, 2009

Beware of BUGS

Summertime always brings unwanted visitors to our house. I also think our neighbors sprayed their house for bugs last week because I have seen three really icky roaches in our house. They show up in the weirdest places. The first time I saw one I freaked out and Kade noticed it. I promptly killed the nasty bug. The next day Kade was standing by our washer saying "mom look". As I entered the hallway I saw a small black bug slowly walking to the other side. I ran downstairs as fast as I could to get the RAID. When I got back up I sprayed the disgusting bug like crazy. A couple of days later I found another one of these "icky" bugs. I, again, sprayed a ton of RAID on it. As it was sitting there dying Kade is looking at it having a conversation. "Hi bug! How are you? Are you doing good?" I'm thinking if the icky bug could talk it is probably saying "How do think I am doing?No kid I am not doing good. I just got sprayed with poison. I am dying!!!!! So, I am doing completely awful." Maybe I thought about that because we had just watched the movie "Ants" the day before. I also thought it was quite funny that Kade was talking to a dying bug. Needless to say I have sprayed RAID all around the house. Hopefully we will not see any more nasty bugs or maybe I shouldn't of killed the spiders that were outside my house. I hate bugs!!!!!!