Monday, June 1, 2009

Beware of BUGS

Summertime always brings unwanted visitors to our house. I also think our neighbors sprayed their house for bugs last week because I have seen three really icky roaches in our house. They show up in the weirdest places. The first time I saw one I freaked out and Kade noticed it. I promptly killed the nasty bug. The next day Kade was standing by our washer saying "mom look". As I entered the hallway I saw a small black bug slowly walking to the other side. I ran downstairs as fast as I could to get the RAID. When I got back up I sprayed the disgusting bug like crazy. A couple of days later I found another one of these "icky" bugs. I, again, sprayed a ton of RAID on it. As it was sitting there dying Kade is looking at it having a conversation. "Hi bug! How are you? Are you doing good?" I'm thinking if the icky bug could talk it is probably saying "How do think I am doing?No kid I am not doing good. I just got sprayed with poison. I am dying!!!!! So, I am doing completely awful." Maybe I thought about that because we had just watched the movie "Ants" the day before. I also thought it was quite funny that Kade was talking to a dying bug. Needless to say I have sprayed RAID all around the house. Hopefully we will not see any more nasty bugs or maybe I shouldn't of killed the spiders that were outside my house. I hate bugs!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So that dying bug had a lot to say..... ha ha! I hate bugs too! All of our neighbors got exterminators and it seemed that all the bugs were flocking to our house last year. So we got an exterminator! Our exterminator said it would be very busy this year cause we had such a wet winter. If you guys want to come over and swim this week, let me know!
