Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kade's Birthday/Halloween

Kade had a frightfully fun birthday/Halloween this year. Kyle also had a fun first Halloween. Both boys were adorable in their costumes (Kade was a scarecrow and Kyle was a pumpkin). We started our day making sure our house was clean (ooooh fun!). We let Kade open a few presents.  One of his first presents was from Grandpa Strickland. When Kade was opening it he said "It's probably a monkey!"

Sure enough it was a monkey pillow. It is incredibly soft. He also opened up a pack of 5 cars from Grandma Fern. Of course he loved this because he is totally into cars. After that we had lunch we put the boys down for their naps. This way they would have enough energy for our ward's Trunk or Treat, trick or treating, and his party.

Here is Kyle getting ready for the day. He would wear this hat almost every day until Halloween. He was amazing because he wouldn't try to take it off. He would just crawl around and play with it on. What a cutie patootie!

Here he is showing off one of his two car balloons. He loved both of the balloons. Our first stop was the Trunk or Treat. There was lots of food to eat, people to socialize with, and cars to "Trick or Treat" to. Kade also did (or tried) a fun "eat the doughnut" game. We were even more happy when Uncle Jeff came.

When we were done (and when we were out of candy) we decided to go home and have Kade's party and go Trick or Treating. My mom, Bryan, Ryan, Jeff, and the Brownlee's (some friends of ours, Dylan, 5 and Mia, 2) came to the houseto celebrate with us. After the food was done cooking we let the kids go Trick or Treating.


Kade and Mia

After they were done Trick or Treating we came back to the house, ate some more, Kade opened his presents, and blew out his candles. Kade received lots of gifts! Thank you to everyone who gave him something and making his birthday special. He really likes all of his gifts.


Here is Kyle enjoying some cake!

After all that was done the kids played for a little bit. Of course everyone was tired from all of the afternoon and evening activities that it was time to go home. Halloween this year was terrifyingly terrific!

A few days later I thought it was really cute and sweet when Kade let Kyle ride on the quad with him. What a nice big brother!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

On the Saturday before Halloween we decided to visit a pumpkin patch.
The boys had loads of fun going on the rides and seeing the pumpkins.

There was this swing ride we didn't think Kyle could ride on, but the employee told Eric that he could. So, Eric put him in the swing and off he went. He loved it!! I think he is going to be our little risk taker. Kade later joined him for another ride.


Kade loved the slide. I didn't think he would be able to climb up it all by himself, but he did. I went down the slide once and went really fast. I can't imagine how fast Kade was going. He liked it so much though he kept going up and down and up and down. He also jumped in the jumpy thing (I don't know what it is called). Kade sure does love to jump!

After the boys were all done having fun we had some of the yummy pretzels before we left. I am glad we went because of how much fun they had.