Thursday, July 16, 2009


Kyle had a rough weekend. He would wake up in the middle of the night just screaming. I am wondering "what in the world is going on?" Eric and I both tried to comfort him with no success. I finally think "oh, maybe he his teething." He had been chewing on everything and drooling a little bit. On the other hand, Kade did not get any teeth until he was eight or nine months old. I pulled out some infant Tylenol and gave it to Kyle. A few minutes later he stopped crying and went back to sleep. However, he kept waking up every two hours. This happened the WHOLE weekend. We were all so tired. I am thinking "Great Kyle was sleeping good and now that I am doing a three week substituting job he decides to be a horrible sleeper". The whole time I thought he was teething, but I did not see anything coming up. On Wednesday after I picked him up from the babysitter he started to chew on my finger. Sure enough I felt his very first tooth. Kyle will soon be a one tooth little monkey!

Before Kyle got his tooth he would stick his tongue out at us.
It was funny watching him do that. He was still cute though!!!

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